Why choose photography as a career?

In today’s world and age, technology has been far ahead of the era we live in. Today if one doesn’t have a social media account he/she is said to be old school. But only having a social media account is not all they want you to have, they want something far more, and the need is a well-taken photo so that it can be captioned.
We all want DSLR pictures today, but have you taken a second and thought about the person behind the camera? Because there needs to be a person to take those pictures, right?
So here today we speak about some reasons as to why, you, an aspiring Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat photographer should give some serious thought about taking this 13(or more) megapixels photography to another level.
When someone talks about photography what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? Some orthodox thought such as Farhan Qureshi’s father that maybe engineering would be better and more decent and payable career? Or is some real thought that your over thinking about such as photography is just that shoot of models in short clothes? Well, my friends, it’s neither of the two, because photography as a career is much more than what you and I think of it as.
There are many different types of photography to be done such as wildlife and nature photography, food photography, still photography, fashion photography, Wedding photography, Destination wedding photographer and much more.
We live in a world which has opened its mind to new career options all you need today is to know the possibilities. Photography gives everyone a platform to capture the thoughts, the emotions, the beauty, and the surroundings all in a single picture. It helps one change perception and changes the thinking of society. It helps to bring uproar and desire to change all from a single picture. It helps you speak a thousand words without actually speaking any.
A photographer has the ability to construct the reality that many people see but refuse to notice. It helps you produce a work of art. But most of all if it is your hobby and you are thinking of turning it into the profession you want to pursue, you’ll enjoy it more than a regular 9 to 5 office hour work, and I’m sure it will give you the satisfaction required with obviously the flow of income.
Photography is where you can capture moments which make others feel loved, remembered, even when everything else is forgotten, that picture will let that moment live forever. Photographing is more than just passive observing. It helps you attach to the world and the live in the moment while capturing it forever.
Sally Mann once said, “Photographs open the doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.”

Dorothea Lange said that “the camera is just an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”Hence, I conclude you that photography as a career teaches people things even textbooks don’t.


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